Monday, April 27, 2015

Elder Robert Scott Killpack April 27, 2015

Hello Family and Friends!!!

So sorry this is going to be a short email because the computer I am
on is a little slow and lame. But I wanted to share with you the
biggest thing I learned from what he taught us about, or what I should
say, what he got us to teach each other about. At the very beginning
of the meeting he told us not to take notes on what he was saying but
to take notes on what we were hearing. I thought that that was so
cool! And that set the tone for the meeting. He would ask us a
question and told us to answer with what we heard and not what he said
or what others were saying. So he asked three questions in about 2 and
a half hours. I have never been taught so much in my life! Imagine
250 missionaries listening to the words which arent being said and
sharing their thoughts and having Elder Bednar expound on those
thoughts... WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So in a simple sentence I learned that
the most important words are the words which you hear that arent being
said. I also want to bear my WITNESS, yes WITNESS, that I know without
any sort of doubt that Elder David A. Bednar is a man called of God.
He wears the Apostolic mantel. He has been ordained to his holy
calling and does everything he can to fulfill it. I know that he is a
Prophet, Seer, and Revelator. I cannot deny the Spirit which I felt as
he walked into the room and especially as he taught about the simple
principles of the Gospel! That man is a disciple of God and I am so
grateful that we have the opportunity to live on the Earth when such
power is present! I love you all and hope you can feel the
truthfulness of this message as well!! And I bear of this witness in
the name of our beloved Savior Jesus Christ amen.


Elder Killpack


Sister Bailey Jayne Love April 27th 2015

Dear Family and Friends.

It has been an amazing week here at THE Ohio State University. Despite this week being Finals week we are still working with some amazing people.. and the best part: Most of them are just plain ordinary AMERICAN! No more just sitting there in lessons! I do love teaching our Chinese investigators though. They are the best!

This week we had a special broadcast where we heard from Elder Kacher of the 70, Sister Reeves, and Elder Andersen and Hales. Before the broadcast started our Stake President, President Welch got up and talked about how essential it is to listen to the living Prophets if we are to make it through this life. We are nearing the 100 year anniversary for Family Home Evening. They knew back then that the family would be attacked. Later on that night we had a musical fireside based on the restoration. I love the spirit that was felt! I know that Joseph Smith was a prophet. I love him so much. I'm so grateful to spread the message of the Restoration each day. 

Thank you for all the support! 

Love, Sister Love

Monday, April 20, 2015

Elder Robert Scott Killpack, April 20, 2015

Family and Friends, 
The weeks get faster and faster! There is so much that happened this
week so I won´t be able to get it all out in this email, but it was
definitely a good week! Well the Frau that I was talking about last
week made it to church and we were able to teach her twice
during the week! She is SO GREAT!!!! She told us she felt bad because
she hadn´t really read all that much of the Book Of Mormon,  just like 16 chapters in a week!  haha 
She is just so ready for this Gospel! The topic for FHV was Joseph Smith and what he did for the restoration of the church. It was 
basically the perfect lesson for her first time in church!  She
said she liked it a lot and learned a lot more about him! Man it is
just so cool to just sit back and watch the spirit work within her. We
also have ELDER BEDNAR coming this weekend! I think we will be talking
about Ipads so that will be cool! But more important is that an
APOSTLE of the LORD is coming to visit us! I am so excited to be
there! It is going to be an amazing versammlung! I pray and hope that
all is going well for every one of you! You guys give such a great
support and I am so grateful for you all!!


Elder Killpack

Sister Bailey Jayne Love. April 20, 2015

Family and Friends,

What a week! I can't believe it! This week I have gone through 2 different companions and 4 different languages (Sister Lai speaks Cantonese, Japanese, Mandarin and of course English--with an Australian accent... and she plays the piano too! No big deal...). I have felt the spirit so strong this week that at one point I got a head ache from it. This is the type of missionary work that I have always dreamed of doing! I feel so exhausted at the end of each day. and I love it!!

Sister Huang was a fantastic companion. She had so much hope for the people she was working with. As she has left and I have received Sister Lai there has been little need of adjustment. These Temple Square missionaries are amazing. They carry the spirit so strong. They have a strong desire to work hard and to be exactly obedient. They seem to know exactly what to say to investigators, recent converts, less actives, and members as well. Sister Lai knows exactly what to say to help me too. She's just amazing!! We are a lot alike. She has already graduated and lived in a LOT of different places (Japan, Hong Kong, Australia, Hawaii, LOGAN! wooh!, and now Utah and Ohio!) She really is just unbelievable, but is sometimes really hard on herself. I wish she could just see what everyone else sees in her! And especially what her Heavenly Fathers sees.

Our investigators are adjusting well to the switch-off. Working with the Chinese people is quite different than working with people that already have a Christian background. I'm realizing that I need to work a lot on my patience. It has been difficult to show true empathy towards them, but I'm learning how everyday. They are such smart people they just have no background on who God is.. 

I love this work so much. There are so many tender mercies that happen! I know that the Lord loves us and that He is marking the path. 

love you all!! Remember to read your scriptures daily! 
Sister Love

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Sister Bailey Jayne Love March 13, 2015

Bailey has a new address!
My new address is 
1343-D Presidential Dr.
Columbus Ohio 43212

Nihao everyone!! 

This week has been a little bit different seeing that I've been transfered to the 
Okay so there isn't actually a Chinese branch (yet!) but I am only teaching Chinese investigators here at OSU. I thought that it would be similar seeing that I only moved apartments, but now I'm surrounded by Mandarin, noodles, and just a ton of Asians! 
     I LOVE IT!!

I thought for sure that I was going to leave campus this time around, but I'm grateful that President still puts enough trust in me to lead this area.. It's a huge responsibility seeing that I don't speak Mandarin.. and that I don't really know how to teach these people yet.

Luckily for me I have Sister Huang!! She is a temple square missionary from Main Land China and she is incredible! She was baptized 2 years ago and has the strongest testimony ever! She's hilarious too!

Unfortunately I only have her for another 2 days, but soon I will be receiving another temple square missionary named Sister Lai. She was born in Hong Kong and raised in Australia.. I never thought I would be serving this type of mission. 

We taught one of our investigators this week about God. We told him that he never had to feel alone, because he has a Father in Heaven that loves him. I wish everyone could see this investigators face when he decided that he wanted to believe in this God that he had never before heard of.

I love my mission. 

Wo ai ni!

Sister Love :)

Elder Bailey Jayne Love, March 13, 2015

Hallo Familie und Freunde,

We had a really jammed packed week here in Pforzheim! But I want to
talk about the best lesson which we had this week. So we met a girl on
the street two fridays ago and were able to meet with her just this
last week! We didn't really know what to expect so we went in hoping
for the best! Then we starting getting a feel for what she knew and
what she expected from meeting with us. We worked all of those things
into the restoration and taught the restoration with a real good dose
of the spirit. We really made it a point to really explain the Book of
Mormon and its purpose in finding answers and the truth and even more
so we explained the power of prayer. As we ended with prayer I gave
another testimony of how when we pray, God will hear and he will answer prayers. Then she starting to just cry, and we sat back and put our bags down
again and waited a good 2 minutes in silence. Then I asked her " Was
spüren Sie zur Zeit" Then she just opened up completely! She told us
that she knows God loves us and will give us answers, but she doesn't
feel good enough for His love sometimes. She said that is just makes
her sad that she has these feelings. She just wants those
feelings to be gone. There was such an amazing spirit there. You could
just feel the love that Heavenly Father has for all of us, and the
fact that He gives us a  way to CONTINUALLY  feel that, return to Him,
and get rid of these feelings, is amazing! I am so excited to teach
her the Gospel of Jesus Christ and bring her that message she has been
looking for! Love you all and hope you feel of the Lord´s Love for

Elder Killpack

Elder Sharp getting lint rolled. 

Selfy Photo bomb

Monday, April 6, 2015

Sister Bailey Jayne Love March 6, 2015

Dear Family and Friends!!

This week has been amazing!! We taught Tricena about the spirit and we could all tell that she felt it! She needs to recognize how much God loves her because that the only way she will find the peace she is searching for!! She already carries the light of Christ so bright so everyone else can see His love through her! I've never met a sweeter atheist in my whole life!

Amy is amazing! She has experienced quite a bit of opposition so far, but that's what happens when Satan knows your potential! Opposition as always been around because it is an essential principle to learning and growth. 

What an amazing opportunity conference/Easter weekend was!! I loved how much our Savior was testified of!

Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf said that the first Easter Sunday "is the day that changed everything! On that day, my life changed. Your life changed. The destiny of all God's children changed. On that blessed day, the Savior of mankind, who had taken upon himself the chains of sin and death that held us captive, burst those chains and set us free."

When I heard that I had to ask myself: "Did MY life change?"

We had the opportunity to make a video on campus of Christians and what is possible for them #becausehelives It was such a testimony builder for me seeing what others believe He did for them.

I love you all! Thank you for all you do.

Elder Robert Killpack March 6, 2015

Well we had transfer calls and.........

Elder Bates is staying in Pforzheim, and I am also staying in
Pforzheim:) We are both excited to really change this area and help
the ward out even more than we did last transfer! We have already seen
more interest in the people around here! We are finding a lot more
people to teach and have a lot more lessons every week! Hopefully we
will start seeing a lot more progression in the next few weeks! I love
this people here in Pforzheim and cant wait to express to them the
love, the Lord their God has for them! I love teaching lessons and
feeling the spirit and then seeing they feel it too, and then asking
them how they are feeling. Every time they answer, they answer
so humbly and say "I feel a feeling in my heart or chest and I want
that feeling all the time!" Now we just got to get them to the point
where they can have that!! Thanks for all the love back home, you guys
are so amazing!!!!!!

Elder Killpack


The Boys

Friday, April 3, 2015

Elder Robert Scott KIllpack March 30, 2015

Hello All, 

Well we had a great week here in Pforzheim! I want to share a story
with you all und es geht um das Abendmahl!!! So yesterday I was
passing the sacrament in church and there is this lady in our branch
that has really shaky hands and when there is something small she
cannot pick it up. So every week she sits there with her hands open
hoping that the person will realize that she wants the sacrament and
not just passing it up. So I handed her the piece of bread and then
got the water and when i gave her the water the up was to small for
her to hold. So I had to give her the water straight from my hand and
afterwards I saw the gratitude she had for me, because she was able to
partake of the sacrament! I was touched by the spirit in this moment
and was able to really think about how the important the sacrament is
for us! I am SOOO grateful that we have the sacrament!! It is really

amazing!! Love you all and hope you have a great week!

Elder Robert Killpack

Sister Bailey Jayne Love March 30, 2015

Dear Family and Friends. 

I am so grateful to be a missionary this time of year. I love my Savior so much. It is through Him that we can find peace in our lives and hope in the life to come. 

Amy entered into the waters of Baptism or in her words: "so I took a dive.. twice.." (There was confusion of the pronunciation of her name..) She has the strongest testimony of this gospel. She is a pioneer seeing that she is the only one in her family that has made this decision. She says that it doesn't matter because she has a new family now. She is such an incredible example to everyone she knows and will meet. 

I'm so grateful for the enabling power of the atonement. Through the atonement we can be cleansed through faith and repentance. When we are cleaned then we are able to make covenants with our Heavenly Father and ultimately return to live with Him. 

"Yea, come unto Christ, and be perfected in him, and deny yourselves of all ungodliness; and if ye shall deny yourselves of all ungodliness, and love God with all your might, mind and strength, then is his grace sufficient for you, that by his grace ye may be perfect in Christ; and if by the grace of God ye are perfect in Christ, ye can in nowise deny the power of God."

I love my Savior so much. I'm so happy for this time of year to talk about Him to everyone I see. I'm so grateful that I can use the Atonement everyday and I'm so grateful that I get to see others do the same. I know that my Savior lives and Because He lives we can to. We are still teaching Tricena and she is slowly coming to a knowledge of her Savior for herself. It's a slow process, but I know God will give her every chance possible for her to know Him.

I love you all so much!

Sister Love

An  Elder decided to make a bunch of ties out of my skirt that . So that was fun! 

The baptism of course and Amy's sister came to support her.