Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Elder Robert Killpack

Dear Family, 

This week we had the funeral for Simon Auras. It was such an amazing experience. We have a little small church building that can only fit 150 people when its completely full with chairs. When we were setting up for the funeral, a couple of days before it would happen, the dad, who is the Stake President here in Munich, said that they were expecting at least 300 people... We just didn't have room for that kind of number.  Luckily we were in Germany and they have what they call beer benches haha. They are just benches but it is just funny because you have to rent them from a beer warehouse, but it all worked out. They ended up fitting 250  people up top and downstairs. We sat another 70-80 people with a TV,  Broadcasting what was going on above us. This funeral was really beautiful! The older brother Jonas spoke who is only 17. He gave a really good heart warming talk about the life of his brother. It was really cool because there was a lot of non-members that attended this meeting. I can guarantee that they all felt that spirit. There was also something that I noticed during this funeral. The people that were there that weren't  members  had a somber spirit around them because they just don't know the Plan of Salvation. They were caring, but you could just feel the despair in their hearts. Then you look at the members and the family of the Auras's.  They were crying, but they had the knowledge of the bigger picture and what is going to happen after this life. It was just amazing to see that the knowledge and spirit of the gospel can bring so much joy in the hardest of times. I love this Gospel and everything that it does for us. This is the true church and the only way of coming to back to the presence of God!!! Thanks for all of the support. You guys are amazing!!!

Elder Killpack

Flowers and Simon's casket

This is what I put in my planner!

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