Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Elder Robert Scott Killpack. July 21, 2015

Dear Family and Friends, 

It is so crazy how fast the time can go! It literally feels like yesterday was hump day, but that was a whole month ago! I cannot believe it! There was a baptism yesterday in Innsbruck for the Brixen elders and sisters! It was cool to be there and have an investigator show up and experience it! Our investigator had a great experience there and we are hoping it will be enough to give her the desire to be baptized. Jonah left for Canada this last week, so we wont be seeing him until the beginning of August, but we are going to try skype him and still help him out while he is over there. I was again amazed this week at how the Lord has blessed us. It was a disappointing week at times, with appointments falling through and so further, but the Lord blessed us the last two days so we could hit our goals still, not all of them, but we were just is amazement at how, after the trial of long/slow work, we were able to see some success at the end of the week. I am so glad to know that as long as we endure, the Lord will bless us and help us when we cant do any more. Something that I have heard from a wise senior couple here us, we need to give the best WE KNOW HOW, the Lord cant ask for more than that! i love you all, and I am so grateful for you all! Have a fantastic week!

Elder Killpack

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Thursday, July 16, 2015

Elder Robert Killpack July 15, 2015

The Lone Ranger!!

Family and Friends!

Well I am the last one standing😑 what the heck!!!! Why do Bailey and Jesse just think it is okay to just leaving me and mom hanging, I mean seriously, what is mom going to do, she has to change the entire blog now all because two people just decided to go home, like she has to change the title to " And then we were left with the chosen ONE ", she will have to change the cover photo to just me and instead of those two state flags accompanying me she will have to go buy four new flags to truly define my mission, such as.... Austria, Italy, Switzerland, and Liechtenstein. She will also have to lower her stats of three posts a week to one a week, and she will have to be bored by only reading my emails. (For that one, I am sorry mom!😔)  hahah well I guess the fun is over now and the Obituary needs to be written...

Sister Love, December 18th 2013 - July 10th 2015
Sister Love lived a long prosperous life. She was born into an apartment building somewhere near Columbus, Ohio. She had a lot of fun learning a new language...? Oh ya, she had a lot of fun learning a language, the Language of the Spirit. She did many great things and grew up so fast, before we knew it our beloved Sister Love was attending the University. She attended Ohio State University where she majored in "Photography: Frat Parties" (one of the toughest fields out there) with a minor in "Photography: OSU Football" while she was there she gave birth to a daughter, maybe the proudest day of her life. Among the many great things she did in her life span, we cannot forget the overwhelming JOY she brought into every single person's life she came in contact with. Some may have rejected that joy she offered, but it does not out weigh those who accept and followed her invitations and joined her in the enjoyment of truth and comfort. She had a powerful testimony that will never be forgotten. She had a spirit that we will forever feel. No one is more thankful for her testimony, her courage, her diligence and her example that she gave through the war in heaven, before she was born (August 2007- December 2013) than I, Elder Killpack. More importantly no one is more proud of her and her work during this life than her Fathers in Heaven. We thank her for all she has done, and say simply, Gott sei mit dir bis auf's wiedersehen! 

Thank you Sister Love😇

Sorry, that makes more sense in missionary lingo, but the message is still the same! This week was a good one! We have really seen the Lord's hand in our work these past few weeks. He has helped us slowly but surely see progression in our area! Just so you guys can understand more what I mean, I will use a number, not because numbers are important, but they help us achieve and see where we are progressing. So my first week in Innsbruck we had 5 lessons for the whole week, this last week we had 20. All of that has been the Lord I am 100% convinced of it!
I am simply happy, to just be a part of the ride! Now the part we need to work on... Helping our friends practice their faith, now I didnt say keep commitments, because they are already doing that, but actually doing things that shows Heavenly Father that they trust Him and believe in Him. I have had a real eye opening week this week about my teaching abilities, and it is was a hard but good experience for me. As Elder Erickson and I were planning for our friends we were going to teach, we were discussing the Plan of Salvation. We were discussing what we should say, seeing as we had already taught them this before. Then I had the thought. What would a member back home tell us if we asked them this question. "What is the Plan of Salvation?" Pretty simple question right? The thought that came to me was that most people would tell me that it   It's the way God has prepared for us to be happy and receive forgiveness from our sins. I feel like this plan makes it possible for us to live with our families forever in heaven. A very simple answer to a simple question. I then proceeded to ask myself. Would any of my investigators be able to tell me that? Or even the fact that families can live together forever? The hard truth is, is that I cant remember the last time  an investigator has told me that families can be together forever... ABSOLUTELY UNEXCEPTABLE...😔 After hearing my story and my experiences,  none of my friends can tell me They KNOW families are forever. "It is exaltation, which means living with God forever in eternal families." this is the only line from preach my gospel from lesson 2, The Plan of Salvation, that says anything about eternal families. It is one of only four lines in the entire PMG. I have been so focused on learning the points and trying to adapt the points to the people that I forget to share one of the most powerful points of the plan. What I am trying to say and the reason why I am sharing this, is that we need to take a step back and see if we are doing one of a three things...
1) Are we following the letter of the guidelines given to us whether it be work, church, or school, so closely that we do not notice the simple spirit of the guidelines that will help us as well?
2)  Are we too preoccupied with a determined destination that we aren't willing to change course as the Lord would want?
3) Are we forgetting the simple basics that bring us joy, hope, happiness, comfort, and peace?
I realized that I was forgetting the basics and simple things that have converted me to this Gospel. We need to use the simple things and the foundation of anything before we can go further. I love you all and I need you to know that I KNOW and have a special witness that families do live forever, and nothing can or will change that precious truth which I have come to understand. I know the Savior lives, and that because he lives and through His mercy, I have the knowledge and special testimony that my mom lives. Words do not do justice for what that means to me. And I am so glad I have this time to bring others this joy. I love you all and I am so grateful for you in my life.

With all the sincerity of my heart, 
Elder Killpack

P.s. 2nd Corinthians 2:4 - The words of Paul explain how I feel about this email😊

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Sister Bailey Jayne Love, July 8th, 2015

Dare to be Mormon!!

The best week of my life thus far.

A while back my former mission president, President Nielsen, had made
the statement that if anyone says that their best 2 years (for sisters
18 minutes obviously) was their missions after a lot of time has
passed on that that was really sad. I can see where he is coming.

This week we had an opportunity to teach Heather again. Oh how I do
love her. She expressed the realization that we as members of the
church are generally just happier in life. We talked about the reason
for our "plastic smiley faces" as I like to call them is because we
understand why certain things must happen in our lives. The blessing
we get to become like our Heavenly Father is worth everything. Even in
the hardest of times, we can have peace knowing that "everything shall
be for [our] good". I'm so grateful for the knowledge that we have.

We also had the chance to set up a booth for the 4th of July. It
wasn't incredible successful in finding people to teach, but we did
get our name out there. Someone passed by my homemade free handed sign
(which I am incredibly proud of) and muttered under their breathe
"Latter-Day Saints." I wanted to jump up and scream the primary song:

"I belong to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
I know who I am.
I know God’s plan.
I’ll follow him in faith.
I believe in the Savior, Jesus Christ.
I’ll honor his name.
I’ll do what is right;
I’ll follow his light.
His truth I will proclaim."

I have been so grateful to have been able to serve Him in this way. I
have loved teaching what has given my own life meaning and I only hope
that I will be able to continue to do so. I am so grateful that we
have a modern day prophet on the Earth. President Thomas S. Monson a
couple of conferences ago quoted a small poem which sums it all up!

Dare to be a Mormon;
Dare to stand alone.
Dare to have a purpose firm;
Dare to make it known.

I love this Gospel! Thank you all for all the love and support that
you have give me as I have served these past short months. I'll see
you all soon!

Love, for the last time,
Sister Love a full time missionary for The Church of Jesus Christ of
Latter-Day Saints

Monday, July 6, 2015

Elder Robert Scott Killpack July 06, 2015

Family and Friends,

Another fantastic week gone by in the beautiful Alps of Tirol! The work is really picking up, so Elder Erickson and I are just trying to keep up with it all. And sometimes it is hard to make sure we have enough time, which is a rather good problem to have, but it just means we have to be even better at using our time. We have really started connecting with the ward better too! I truly love these guys here in Innsbruck. They are amazing. We went to a gemeinde rat and we could just feel the excited they had, because they saw the missionaries were actually working. Back in the day( like years ago) the missionaries here didnt have the best reputation for being obedient, so that kind of left a little scar here. But we are changing that! In other words, I have never been so tired in my life. Haha It is a good thing to be tired, except for when you fall asleep during lessons, or while contacting on buses and trains, or when contacting on the street... Dont worry hasnt happened yet;) Lately we have been focusing on helping our investigators make steps of faith and ACT!!! It is probably the hardest part while teaching... getting people to actually do stuff! But we can improve ourselves and really help these people more, and help to start keeping commitments and grow! We can´t grow our faith unless we are willing to do something! Faith without works is dead! Love you all have a great week!

Elder Killpack