Tuesday, December 16, 2014


If your going to send a package for Christmas, they want it sent to the Mission Home Addresses. They are as follows. 

Sister Bailey Jayne Love
Ohio Columbus Mission
19 Clairedan Drive
Powell Ohio 43065

Elder Jesse Killpack
Pennsylvania Philadelphia Mission 
721 Paxon Hollow Road. Suite B 
Broomall,  PA  19008

Elder Robert Scott Killpack
LommelstraBe 7
81479 Munchen 

Sister Bailey Love, December 15, 2014

Dear Family and Friends. 

I am absolutely overcome with how I feel lately. The mission has been the hardest thing I have ever done (and believe me I know that I have said that multiple times), but I have learned so much.

While my companion was in the shower I decided to pray out loud for the first time in a while. With the rule of being with your companion 24/7 you don't get much quite time to be by yourself. And with how I am I usually use that quite time to wallow in self pity. But I decided to really talk with my father in Heaven. 

I wish I could describe the Love I felt. He loves us so much and knows exactly what we need. He wants to reach out to us and comfort us, but He knows that the trials and challenges are experiences that will make us become the eternal people He has created us to be. 

I'm sorry to add this big quote but Elder Jorg Klebingat said it best in this past general conference: 

Accept trials, setbacks, and “surprises” as part of your mortal experience. Remember that you are here to be proved and tested, “to see if[you] will do all things whatsoever the Lord [your] God shall command[you]” (Abraham 3:25)—and may I just add, “under all circumstances.”Millions of your brothers and sisters have been or are being thus tested,so why would you be exempt? Some trials come through your own disobedience or negligence. Other trials come because of the negligence of others or simply because this is a fallen world. When these trials come,the adversary’s minions begin broadcasting that you did something wrong, that this is a punishment, a sign that Heavenly Father does not love you. Ignore that! Instead, try to force a smile, gaze heavenward, and say, “I understand, Lord. I know what this is. A time to prove myself, isn’t it?” Then partner with Him to endure well to the end. Spiritual confidence increases when you accept that “often trials and tribulations are allowed to come into [your life] because of what [you] are doing right”

God loves us. We had an experience with an investigator named Rose just this morning when she explained she was feeling the spirit. She started smiling and expressed that she was just so happy. I'm so grateful that I was able to tell her that it was God showing her that she was loved through the Holy Ghost. I'm so grateful that I already knew of that love.

I love you Family! Keep sharing the Gospel and #SHARETHEGIFT

Sister Bailey Jayne Love

Thanks mom for the 
Christmas gifts! 

Elder Jesse Killpack, December 15, 2014

Well I'm leaving Bridgeton. Hopefully I still stay in Jersey but we
just never know. We had a decent time this week and we taught Vanesa
a lot and she came to church. Rosi came to church after working really
hard for a while. We had a lesson where we were super direct and
explained things without any sugar coating and it was awesome.  A
member got mad at us but we handled it poorly and it worked out great
because he apologized. Yay for everyone making mistakes but forgiving
because it's the best. Other things from this week... Um... I like
familysearch because there are lots of cool stories about people. I'm
almost done with a chart of all the first converts in my family tree.
There were some interesting stories. We are working hard 
and stuff. I'm rambling now because I am not too focused haha. I love
you all and thank you for the package. It snowed on Thursday for the
first time this year. I went with elder Hillstead on exchanges and a
black man yelled at us to get off his porch. The work is great! I
actually secretly enjoy when people slam the door. We just laugh at
it. A black lady that we only taught once told me that she loves me.
Betty is so nice and old. Well that is it for this week next week will
be crazy.

Elder Killpack

Monday, December 15, 2014

Elder Robert Killpack, December 15, 2014

CHRISTmas Conference, 

First of I want to give a shout out of thanks to the ones that sent me Christmas packages, because it was way nice to see the love from home!!! First, thanks grandma and grandpa McMurtrey for the package!!!! It was way nice to read your card and to feel of your love! Second, thanks HOGGE FAMILY for the package!!! It made my week to read the letters and see all the pictures inside!! And last but definitely not least, THANKS LOVE PACK FAMILY!!!! I love the gifts you have given me, especially the ones I HAVEN´T opened yet because someone wanted to do 12 days of christmas... But I still love it!!! So this week was really a good week! We had Christmas Conference. Our mission president is so cool that he was able to get a copy of MEET THE MORMONS and we were able to watch it!!!! It was soooooooooo good I am so grateful we were able to watch it! Then we were also able to go bowling this week with a less active member, and that was way fun! And yes I did win  and bowled a solid game! I am not completely satisfied with my performance, because I had a rocky start but I pulled through and was lucky to find a streak of a few strikes.. haha,  I know your wondering but we didn't keep score, we were obedient missionaries. Why would we keep score right?.... hahahah Then we had our ward party for Christmas and that went well! We had a lot of fun, The members here have really just become my family and the youth I can honestly say feel like my siblings, and the primary kids are like my own kids sometimes haha, for example we had a Gemeinde Essen after church on Sunday and 4 of the primary kids decided I was the Jungle Gym for the day and so they would grab my legs and hold on while I walked around the church haha they had a lot of fun! To be honest it is going to be really hard when I get transferred! I never want to leave Landshut EVER, so you guys can just come move to Landshut and that would just be perfect:) haha Ah I just love it here it is so much fun and the ward I guess branch is the right word but they are SOOOOOOOO amazing I love them so much! I hope you all have a great CHRISTmas season!! 

Love You Lots,
Elder Kilpack

Playing games 


Monday, December 1, 2014

Elder Jesse A Killpack, December 1st, 2014

Proud of you for toughing it out. You're an example to everyone.
Thanks for being awesome and always putting others before yourself. I
hope I don't make your burden too hard to bear. I am thankful to be a
part of the family and for the gospel. I am thankful for the chance to
serve people in a way that I wasn't ever able to do before. I hope I
am able to make lots of good changes and be a good part of society. I
am excited to meet the new members of the family. I am excited this
coming week because we have stake conference and I get to see people
from camden and Atlantic city. I am excited to see what this Christmas
season brings. Don't forget to #sharethegift
Elder Killpack

Jesse had to speak in Sacrament meeting. His talk used only scriptures. 
He sent me the  draft.   

2 Corinthians 13:13 all the saints salute you Jacob 2:2
now...according to the responsibility which I am under to God... I am
come up that I might declare unto you the word of God. 2 nephi 31:10
and now my beloved brethren and also Jew and all he ends of the Earth
hearten unto these words and believe in Christ. And if ye believe not
in these words believe in Christ and if ye shall believe in Christ ye
will believe in these words for they are the words of Christ and He
hath given them into me and they teach all men that they should do
   Genesis 1:1 in the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.
Mosiah 4:9 believe in God that he is and that he created all things
both in Heaven and earth believe that he has all wisdom and all power
both in heaven and earth. Believe that man doth not comprehend all the
things which the Lord can comprehend. Isaiah 55:8-9 for my thoughts
are not your thoughts neither are my ways your ways saith the Lord.
For as the Heavens are higher than the earth. So are my ways higher
than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.
   Alma 12:22.  Now we see that Adam did fall by the partaking of the
forbidden fruit according to the word of God and thus we see that by
his fall all mankind became a lost and fallen people. Moses 6:50-51
God hath made known unto our fathers that all men must repent. And he
also said unto him if thou wilt turn unto me and hearten unto my voice
and believe and repent of all thy transgressions and be baptized even
in water in the name of mine Only Begotten Son who is full of grace
and truth... Ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. Mosiah 5:12
he sent among them desiring to know of his people if they had believed
the words which he had spoken unto them. And they all cried with one
voice saying yea we believe all the words which thou hast spoken unto
us and also we know of their surety and truth because of the Spirit of
the Lord Omnipotent which has wrought a mighty change in us or in our
hearts that we have no more disposition to do evil but to do good
continually Alma 5:26 and now behold I say unto you my brethren if ye
have experienced a change of heart and if ye have felt to sing the
song of redeeming love I would ask can ye feel so now? Mosiah 2:41 I
would desire that ye should consider on the blessed and happy state of
those that keep the commandments of God for behold they are blessed in
all things both temporal and spiritual and if they hold out faithful
to the end they are received into heaven that thereby they may dwell
with God in a state of never ending happiness. O remember that these
things are true for the Lord God hath spoken it. John 1:30 this
Helaman 5:41 was taught unto you by Alma. Alma 36: 18-21 I cried
within my heart o Jesus thou Son of God have mercy on me who am in the
Gall of Bitterness and am encircled about by the everlasting chains of
death. And now behold when I thought this I could remember my pains no
more. Yea I was harrowed up by the memory of my sins no more. And oh
what joy and what marvelous light did I behold yea my soul was filled
with joy as exceeding as was my pain. Yea I say unto you ... That
there could be nothing so exquisite and bitter as were my pains yea
and again I say unto you... That on the other hand that there can be
nothing so exquisite and sweet as was my joy. D&c 58:42-43 behold he
who has repented of his sins the same is forgiven and I the Lord
remember them no more. By this ye may know if a man repenteth of his
sins, behold he will confess them and forsake them. Enos 1:7-8 Lord
how is it done? And He said unto me because of thy faith in Christ
whom thou hast never before heard not seen and many years shall pass
away before he shall manifest himself in the flesh wherefore thy faith
hath made thee whole. D&C 19:16-17 for behold I the Lord have suffered
these things for all that they might not suffer if they would repent.
But if they would not repent they must suffer even as I. 1Peter 3:18
For Christ also hath once suffered for sins the just for the unjust.
Mosiah 2:24-25 and ye are still indebted to him and are and will be
forever and ever; therefore of what have ye to boast? And now I ask
can ye say ought of yourselves? I answer you nay ye cannot say that ye
are even as much as the dust of the earth. Alma 34:37-38 now my
beloved brethren I desire that ye should remember these things and
that ye should work out your salvation with fear before God that ye
contend no more against the Holy Ghost but that ye receive it and take
upon you the name of Christ that ye humble yourselves even to the dust
and worship God in whatsoever place ye may be in in spirit and truth.
1 Timothy 4:12 be thou an example of the believers in word in
conversation in charity in spirit in faith in purity
   2 nephi 25:23,26 we labor diligently to write to persuade our
children and also our brethren to believe in Christ  and to be
reconciled to God for we know that it is by grace that we are saved
after all we can do... We talk of Christ we rejoice in Christ we
preach of Christ we prophesy of Christ and we write according to our
prophecies that our children may know to what source they may look for
a remission of their sins. Alma 30:33-35 notwithstanding the many
labors that "we" have performed in the church "we" have never received
as much as one "Matthew 20:2 penny" for my labor neither has any of my
brethren ... And now if we do not receive anything for our labors in
the church what doth it profit us to labor in the church save it were
to declare the truth that we might have rejoicings in the joy of our
brethren?... Now believest thou that we deceive this people that
causes such joy in their hearts?
  2 nephi 26:33 ... He inviteth ... All to come unto him and partake
of his goodness and he denieth none that come unto him, black and
white, bond and free, male and female, and he remembereth the heathen
and all are alike unto God both Jew and Gentile. 2 nephi 31:20/19
wherefore ye must press forward with a steadfastness in Christ relying
wholly upon the merits of Him who is mighty to save.wherefore if ye
shall press forward feasting upon the word of Christ and endure to the
end behold saith the Father ye shall have eternal life. 3 nephi
11:21,33 the Lord said whoso believeth in my name and is baptized
shall be saved and they are they who shall inherit the kingdom of God.
2 nephi 2:8 wherefore how great the importance to make these things
known unto the inhabitants of the earth that they may know that there
is no flesh that can dwell in the presence of God save it be through
the merits and mercy and grace of the Holy Messiah D&C 18:10-11,14-16
remember the worth of souls is great in the sight of God. For behold
the Lord your redeemer suffered death in the flesh wherefore he
suffered death in the flesh ...he suffered the pain of all men that
all men might repent and come unto him... You are called to cry
repentance unto this people and if it so be that you should labor all
your days in crying repentance unto this people and bring save it be
one soul unto "him" how great shall be your joy with him in the
kingdom of my Father! Now if your joy will be great with one soul that
you have brought unto "him" into the kingdom of my father how great
shall be your joy if you should bring many souls unto "him"! Enos 1:7
Lord how is it done? D&C 11:21 first seek to obtain my word "Alma
60:23 God hath said that the inward vessel shall be cleaned first and
then shall the outer vessel be cleansed also." And then shall your
tongue be loosed then if you desire you shall have my spirit and my
word yea the power of God unto the convincing of men. D&C 50:13,17-22
wherefore I the Lord ask you this question unto what were ye ordained?
Verily I say unto you he is ordained of me ... To preach the word of
truth by the comforter in the spirit of truth, doth he preach it by
the spirit of truth or by some other way? .. If it be by some other
way it is not of God, and again he that receiveth the word of truth
doth he receive it by the spirit of truth or by some other way? If it
be some other way it is not of God. Therefore why is it that ye cannot
understand and know that he that receiveth the word by the spirit of
truth receiveth it as it is preached by the spirit of truth. Wherefore
he that preacheth and he that receiveth understand one another and
both are deified and rejoice together. D&C 128:22 brethren shall we
not go on in so great a cause? Go forward not backward, courage
brethren and on, on to the victory! Let your hearts rejoice and be
exceedingly glad. Let the earth break forth into singing. Let the dead
speak forth anthems of eternal praise to the King Immanuel who hath
ordained, before the world was, that which would enable us to redeem
them out of their prison for the prisoners shall go free. D&C 109:4,80

in the name of Jesus Christ... Amen and amen.

Sister Bailey Jayne Love. December 1st 2014

Dear Family and Friends. 

Not a ton to report on this week other than the fact that it was an incredible Thanksgiving. I have so much to be thankful for. We are so blessed. If anyone is struggling to come up with things to be thankful for (which I know has happened to me countless times) Just remember that our Savior has paid for every wrong that has or will be committed. I know that through Him all that is unfair will be made fair. We will be strengthened in the process and out of His matchless mercy we will also become more like Him. What an incredible gift to be thankful for.

The video "He is the Gift" is going around now and I HIGHLY encourage you all to Discover, Embrace, and Share it. The brethren have invested a lot into this and it's our job as members of Jesus Christ's true and restored gospel to share it. 

Update on John.. He's progressing! SLOWLY... He still thinks that he holds the Priesthood, but we are working on that.. He has such a strong desire to follow Jesus Christ and we're praying that his heart opens up to see all the signs that he has already been given.

I love you all so much! Have a fantastic week!

Zone and district

Elder Robert Scott Killpack. December 1st, 2014

Dear Family, 

Well it was another fast week here in Landshut!! We had Thanksgiving as a district on Tuesday, and then Thanksgiving with the Family Dengg on friday, and the thanksgiving leftovers with the family Dengg on saturday! We also received Transfer Calls on saturday morning! I will be staying here in Landshut for at least one more transfer and will be getting elder Talbert who is from Ohio! Elder Garrett will be going to Ludwigsburg in the Stuttgart zone and will be white washing the area! It is going to be weird having a new companion, but i am excited to have a change as well. I am very grateful for the time i have had to work with Elder Garrett. I have learned a lot from him and he was a great trainer!! It is unreal that we have already spent three transfers together, 4 months of doing the Lord´s work together! It is so crazy how fast the time flies here! But i am so grateful for the chance i have to spend my time here!! I am seriously way bad at writing home sometimes, so sorry about that but that was how our week went here in Landshut!!! Love you all and hope you all have a great week!
Love Elder Killpack

glockenspiel in Munich!

                                                           Rathaus in Munich

Bayern Munich stadium!

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Elder Robert Scott Killpack, November 24, 2014

Family and Friends, 

Well this week was fun. We had 6 Elders in our apartment on Tuesday night, and our apartment is the smallest apartment in the mission, so it was pretty crammed! We did however, survive!!! On Saturday we went to Oberaichbach and that was really a cool dorf (a town). It was super small but we had some cool experiences there. We gave a Book of Mormon to the first lady we went to  and she said that we should come back, that should would love hear more. She said she doesn't believe that there is a religion that really has the truth. She doesn't go to church but she said she would love to learn that she is wrong about that haha! We then talked with a guy who said that about 15 years ago he was in Salt Lake City and went to a Mormon Tabernacle Choir concert and talked with two cute girls after with name tags ahaha. He said he had a book but didn't really find anything too interesting about it. He told us that he would read it again and that if he had more questions or wanted to learn more that he would let us know. The cool part was just the fact that he has already had contact with the missionaries and then 15 years later two guys randomly show up and talk to him about the Book of Mormon again! The Lord prepares people even if it is ever so slowly, but he does prepare people! We just have to have faith that he will put people in our path that are ready and how great will our joy be with we find them!!! Love you all so much have a GREAT THANKSGIVING week in a land that actually celebrates it!!

Elder Killpack

Sister Bailey Love, November, 24 2014

Family and Friends, 

"There is one thing which is of more importance than they all—"

Quite a bit happened this week.. I would say that it all started out with a fantastic meeting on Tuesday.
The meeting started at 9:00 and ended at 4:00.. it was a long one but flew by! The spirit was so strong there the whole time and I learned a lot. Hopefully I can expressed what I've learned in a way that you'll understand and be edified as well.

President Daines started off the meeting with strict doctrine. Nothing brings in the spirit like pure and true doctrine. Definitely something I'm going to implement in my mission and life.

He started off talking about the Atonement of Jesus Christ. We went around the room and shared scriptures that we liked that dealt with our Saviors sacrifice... I wish I could share the spirit that we felt during just that.. The scriptures are such powerful tools. He moved on to talk about how the Fall of Adam and Eve ultimately enabled any progression that we have on this earth. A couple of the quotes I got down were:
"The world is upset with Adam . We rejoice with him!"
"The plan of Redemption was not frustrated with Adam. It was enabled."

He went on to explained how essential every single part of our Heavenly Father's plan is to us changing. 

"I came to be changed. To be someone. You came to be much much more than you can imagine"

He expressed the difference between Enduring to the End and Enduring Well... The difference is that we are changed in the process. 

Anyways I don't know if that made much sense, but my testimony was definitely strengthened this week about how we need to be doing more than just the bare minimum. We need to be changed in the process!

"You did not come to Earth to simply return to God. You came to Earth to become like Him! Anything short of that is a waste of your time!" 

The atonement makes this possible and is ultimately all that matters: ALMA 7:7

Thank you all for the support and love!

I love you!

Sister Love

Christmas package!!, Thanks mom

Found the most obese cat in the whole world on exchanges.

This is her brother.

Elder Jesse M Killpack November 24, 2014

Dear Family and Friends,

This week was legen wait for it .........................................................................

Legendary. I say that because I wore the legend shirt everyday underneath the white shirt. It totally worked. We beat Elder Minnich in lessons this week. Everyone at least let us talk to them even if they didn't all progress like we planned. Planning was a big part of making our goals this week. When you make goals and then make plans it's a lot easier. You have to have names for your goals. You then have to actually do what you planned to do and  talk to everyone. You need to give out at least five copies of the Book of Mormon. Thanksgiving is coming this week and we're having the ward party on the actual day. It's a bit different in Hispanic culture. Not too many people have houses to themselves nor family. So the whole ward will be there and we are inviting everyone to come. Hopefully there is a big turnout. We really need to get the members more involved in sharing the gospel. They called on me to speak this coming Sunday I am going to attempt to go the whole talk using only scriptures. I already started and I think it's pretty good. I'll send you a copy when it's done. Life is still pretty much the same. Getting colder all the time. Except today today is really nice outside. I am starting to ramble. We had lots of people say they would do things and then they don't . Others always say it's better to not say yes or no because they don't know if they are going to do it. They say si Dios quiere o si dios lo permite. Basically if God wants or allows it to happen it will happen. Really frustrating. We're going to get back at it this week. 

El Élder Killpack 

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Sister Bailey Love November 18, 2014

Dearest beautiful Family and Friends!

This week was a really fast one. The time went by very quickly and we worked really hard. We ended up finding 4 investigators only 1 of which was out of our area this time! (improvement!) We definitely hit the ground running and I can honestly say that we gave it our all. 

The Lord is blessing us so much! It takes some faith and definitely a lot of hard work, but miracles are always all around us. One of the new investigators we found is named John. He. Is. A. Talker! to say the least, but he's a great guy with a lot of faith and a strong testimony of the bible. He had been praying for someone to come help him understand God's word better and low and behold the Sister Missionaries knocked on his door! He insisted that we come into his home right there and then, but after explaining the guidelines we have to follow we set up a return appointment and we were able to teach him about The Book of Mormon. Something that will increase his testimony of the bible, but most importantly about Jesus Christ. 

In preparation to teach John a little bit better I have been studying how the Book of Mormon and the Bible relate to one another. Since God loves me He had the 2nd counselor in the stake where I'm serving talk about how the bible witnesses of the book of Mormon. I don't have all my notes, but Isaiah talks about the isles of the sea. How they need the gospel just as much as ancient Israel. He bore powerful testimony that he knew that the Prophet Isaiah saw those of the Isles of the sea and that he was speaking directly to them. 

For those that need proof that the Book of Mormon is the word of God all they have to do is ask with a sincere heart and the answer will be provided. Usually by the spirit, but occasionally by another person.

Well thats about all for this week! Love you all tons!

Sister Love 

The Beautiful Sister Love and Sister Phelps

Elder Killpack, November 18, 2014

Dear Family and Friends,

We had the funeral this week, and it went really well! We were able to speak to the people there and teach them a little bit about the plan of salvation and give them a glimmer hope to find happiness in such hard times. It was really hard to be there though, because the people there did not KNOW about this plan and couldn't find that joy that comes from it. The family was just super depressed and crying and there was just no hope for something more. It hurt me to see these people like this. It was just a big testimony to me that there is nothing that can bring more happiness than this gospel and knowledge that we have. I have been in there shoes and have witnessed two men lose theirs wives that they so dearly loved. One man didn't know anything about this gospel and the great plan of happiness, He was hysterical and was bawling every 5 minutes over his lost. On the other hand I have seen a man lose his wife who had the gospel in his life. He had the knowledge of this plan and was not only able to keep himself in line with the Lord and  to find happiness, ( even though he still felt pain at times) but also was able to keep a family together and give them happiness and hope which led to another family in the same situation. Finding hope and happiness will allow us to see how this plan can spread happiness and blessings to everyone that knows it. THAT IS WHY I AM HERE! I have a FAMILY here that have no idea how to be happy, they don't know where to find it, and they are just aimlessly lost. But I am here to bring my brothers and sisters not only back to their Heavenly Father but also to bring them happiness so they can do what they came here to do! I know the Plan of Salvation is true, there is no other way that I could be happy on this earth! I cannot deny it nor will I deny it, because the fire that I have for the plan can NEVER be put out. I love you all and am so grateful for everything that you have done for me!!!

Elder Killpack

Albert, who just lost his mom.

The funeral and the urn.

Car Selfie

Elder Jesse Killpack November 19, 2014

So I got bored so the other night so I whipped this out in five minutes. Its pretty good and describes what goes on in Bridgeton.

walking for days   got us stuck in this maze    got some investigators?
nah just stacks of hay    and when I say Hey   I mean whats up guey?
not one subway    yet theres a proper way     transfers come youll stay
agusto lunch you'll pay    Pedraza's house get stained.     Pilar's gone feel pained
Carlitos chillin with his cane.   No that guey the same.    Silvia got offended
Gators money to Mexico sended.    Broken hearts still unmended    Jesús license suspended
Last resort trailers recommended     Turner's callin     Killpack stallin 
Hillstead smilin       Minnich trying.    Struggle is real 
Let me tell you the deal.   Need that Bridgeton Zeal.  Bridgeton 4 life seal
Can't e'en afford a meal.    Said buffet? What a steal!    Again? Man we fail
Man's saddest tale.     A boat without a sail.     box with no mail. 
Boys getting more pale.     Cereal going stale  At least the pizzas on sale.
 House starts to smell.     In the can the melon fell         Don't worry I won't tell. 
Oops too late a note from Bebe    Why so smelly Danny?  Well Bebe I'm sorry
It's okay here's a cookie.    But I'm in my Jammie's    Just take it fatty
Sounds good granny.    Alarm ringing     Hillstead showering
Really sleeping.     Hits 5:30     Keep dressing
Bus coming.    Start running.   Stay panting
And sweating.    Don't worry soon enough.   With pancakes you'll be stuffed
All from ZL's being lazy        Gives time to think of Daisy.      Guey you dig my paisley
Nothing compares to a chile      Not even going to Philly.   Or eating a hot dog with chili
Called remorse of shoppers       I ordered wings not poppers.      Too many sirens and coppers
Walking too much make ya tired.   Why was Randy e'en hired.   I guess that's how I got inspired
We got Zapotecs and Moslems   Adventists with no emblems    You got it


Camden Family came back to visit.  

Tuesday, November 11, 2014


If your going to send a package for Christmas, they want it sent to the Mission Home Addresses. They are as follows. 

Sister Bailey Jayne Love
Ohio Columbus Mission
19 Clairedan Drive
Powell Ohio 43065

Elder Jesse Killpack
Pennsylvania Philadelphia Mission 
721 Paxon Hollow Road. Suite B 
Broomall,  PA  19008

Elder Robert Scott Killpack
LommelstraBe 7
81479 Munchen 

Addresses for all three Missionaries

Elder Robert Scott Killpack

Zweibruckenstrabe 717

Bei Kirche Jesu Christi

84028 Landshut

Sister Bailey Jayne Love
1344 Spring Village Dr.
Mansfield Ohio, 44906

Elder Jesse Killpack
 12 Franklin street
Bridgeton New Jersey 08302

Elder Robert Scott Killpack November 10, 2014

Dear Family, 

So the funeral is going to be this week because of delays with the urn. But I feel a little better about giving a talk. Hopefully it will all go good:) This week was a finding week! We found quite a few of potential investigators by the mercy of God. It seems that when we are at a low with the work and don't know what to do to get the work to pick up, that is when we see the greatest blessings. This last week we had no idea what God wanted us to do in order to get people to talk to us or even just listen to us. So we decided that we would just turn it over to the Lord and that he would provide a way for us to spread the word. So we prayed extra hard to have God help us find people and he helped us!!! In the first 5 minutes of finding this week we were able to give out two book of mormons and find 2 people who are really interested in our church and wanted to learn more! We were blown away at how fast and spot on God answered our prayer! Then yesterday, during church we got a call on the phone´s church (it was lucky that we were there, and by lucky, I mean that God planned the timing perfectly!) There was a person who had been contacted by Elders from a while back and she decided to call the number that they had given her and she said that she wants to learn more about the church!! God works in miraculous ways, and is performing miracles whether we realize them or not! The power of prayer is true, but we HAVE TO ACT in order to receive at the other end of it!

Love you all,

Elder Killpack

Swinging a club in the email place. 

Catholic Celebration

Sister Bailey Jayne Love. November 10,2014

Dear Family and Friends,

First and foremost I want to put in my plug for missionary service. If there is ever anyone on the fence about serving or not just do it. It's so worth it!

I love my mission.

So this week was a bit of a toughie. We were working really hard just waiting for all those blessing to pour down on us. We started off the week realizing that our most progressing investigator: Claudette wasn't even in our area! We had to pass her off to the other Sisters in the next ward over.. so that was kind of a bummer. Then we had set up a lesson with Heidi and Sterling! A super golden investigator Mother and Son duo... Until they dropped us.. and THEN Kevin didn't show up to his lesson or to church.. 

I really do love my mission... let me explain why.

There is an entire section in Preach My Gospel devoted to explain that no effort is wasted. There are lots of days that we go out a tract house after house and nothing comes from it. There are times when we are exactly obedient and we get chased by dogs (happened twice this week). When we do our very best to teach by the spirit sometimes people don't listen. and there are even some times when the sheriff is called on us for knocking too many doors. But it's all worth it because this is exactly where my Heavenly Father needs me. This is exactly what I'm supposed to be doing. and I know it because the Holy Ghost has told me time and time again.

It helps when we do get to see some of the fruits of our labors though... Earlier on in the week we went about doing good as PMG suggests. We were in our service clothes and we saw this couple cleaning out a flower bed at a church. We stopped by and asked if we could help. We didn't commit them to be baptized or even to read from the Book of Mormon, but we left the woman in tears of gratitude for a simple act of service. On Sunday we met another couple from the same church. They told us that Bonnie ( the woman we had served ) had written on facebook about the 2 lds girls that were an answer to her prayer. 

How very grateful I am that Heavenly Father has sent me here to help these people out. I'm so grateful that I could be an instrument in His hands to help His children throughout this life. 

I've been studying a lot on patience and faith this week... can you tell 

Lastly I want to leave with a quote by Elder Holland: "Some blessings come soon, some come late, and some don’t come until heaven; but for those who embrace the gospel of Jesus Christ, they come."

That is a promise from an Apostle of God. I can testify that it is true. I have seen it in my life and in the life of so many others. 

I love you all so much. I'm so grateful for all the support and love you give me. 
Sincerely yours,

Sister Love