Family and Friends,
"There is one thing which is of more importance than they all—"
Quite a bit happened this week.. I would say that it all started out with a fantastic meeting on Tuesday.
The meeting started at 9:00 and ended at 4:00.. it was a long one but flew by! The spirit was so strong there the whole time and I learned a lot. Hopefully I can expressed what I've learned in a way that you'll understand and be edified as well.
President Daines started off the meeting with strict doctrine. Nothing brings in the spirit like pure and true doctrine. Definitely something I'm going to implement in my mission and life.
He started off talking about the Atonement of Jesus Christ. We went around the room and shared scriptures that we liked that dealt with our Saviors sacrifice... I wish I could share the spirit that we felt during just that.. The scriptures are such powerful tools. He moved on to talk about how the Fall of Adam and Eve ultimately enabled any progression that we have on this earth. A couple of the quotes I got down were:
"The world is upset with Adam . We rejoice with him!"
"The plan of Redemption was not frustrated with Adam. It was enabled."
He went on to explained how essential every single part of our Heavenly Father's plan is to us changing.
"I came to be changed. To be someone. You came to be much much more than you can imagine"
He expressed the difference between Enduring to the End and Enduring Well... The difference is that we are changed in the process.
Anyways I don't know if that made much sense, but my testimony was definitely strengthened this week about how we need to be doing more than just the bare minimum. We need to be changed in the process!
"You did not come to Earth to simply return to God. You came to Earth to become like Him! Anything short of that is a waste of your time!"
The atonement makes this possible and is ultimately all that matters: ALMA 7:7
Thank you all for the support and love!
I love you!
Sister Love
Christmas package!!, Thanks mom
Found the most obese cat in the whole world on exchanges.
This is her brother.
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