Dear Everyone😉
Thank you so much for the love you have shown me this last week! I
feel a great sense of the Lord's love for me, for you and for everyone
of His children. So thank you for your support and love, it has
touched my heart. I wanted to share two simple things that I have been
trying to do this last week that have helped me get through stress and
helped me work more positively. First, preparation instead of
procrastination. Elder Hunt has a quote that stuck out to me, " poor
preparation precedes pitiful performance. If we are always prepared we
perform better and we dont have the feeling, like something isnt done.
And that gets rid of a lot of anxiety, but that is a hard thing to
do... To ALWAYS be prepared, but the Lord will help,me be better at
that😀. The second is to always be kind. I feel like sometimes, when I
get with other missionaries, or with my comp I get too sarcastic, and
dont really think about what I am saying. I dont say anything super
rude, but small things add up, and I have noticed that saying those
small things, over time, take their toll on me as well. I have being
trying super hard to ONLY let nice words come out of my mouth
Ephesians 4:29. And james 3:2-5. As I have done that, I have had so
much joy! Be Kind = Joy :) I have the strongest testimony, that the
strongest force of good is the pure love of Christ. Romans 8:35-39. I
love these people so much. And Christ' s love is what changes peoples
lives! Love you all! Have a fantastic week!