Family and Friends,
Hello! How are you all doing!? This last week, was a week of
Conferences for us. First, we had zone conference 200 M away from
Oktoberfest. And it was a good one... I mean the zone conference;)
Every topic that was touched on, was directed towards me I swear! It
was everything O needed and more. My favorite part personally, was
President Auras's testimony and training segment he had for us. He
talked about how we need to have better contact and relationships with
the member, and that we should realize what kind of impact we can
make. He talked about a missionary that he would never forget, because
of the relationship they had developed while this missionary served in
his ward. He then said Elder Killpack and I have a very special
relationship, and that it will be one he will never forget. It touched
my heart to feel of his love for me, and also to know that I have
helped someone in the ways that were unique to me, through the
experiences God has entreated me with. I love that man! Second, and
obvious, is the fact we had General Conference, also a million answers
to the questions I had! I am so grateful that we have living servants
of the Lord today who are truly inspired to share thought with us to
give us answers, that we have been searching for! I know that Thomas
S. Monson is a Prophet of the Lord and that the twelve ( including the
three new ) apostles are men called by God! I love you all and hope
you had just as good of a week as I did!
ELDER Killpack
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