monday: Last p day with Elder Hunt, Mercedes Benz arena! Stuttgart football stadium is what that is! it was a blast!
Tuesday: District meeting, with really good american sloppy joes from the Bos´s
Wednesday: Last day with Elder Hunt:( We worked hard to the end and packed up.
Thursday: Transfer day! Elder Hunt left as tears fell down my face... just kidding, but I did miss him! Then Elder Rahlf showed up and we have been partying ever since!!! We are going to do some great work! I am way excited!
Friday: A LOT OF PLANNING! A long weekly planning getting Elder Rahlf caught up. And planning the transfer out for the Zone with exchanges and so on.
Saturday: Found some way cool potentials and taught our main man Stefan! He is a way cool guy trying to work his way back to activity.
Sunday: CHURCH:) Taught WONG! He is way cool and progressing so much in the Gospel and learning about God and coming closer to him!
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