Monday: We went to the military base with the Bos´s and got loaded with american stuff and had TACO BELL!!!! I missed me some good ole taco bell.
Tuesday: District meeting and start of the tausch with Elder Gibson, who is a golden in Ulm right now! He is a great guy and ready to go for his mission. We had a lot of fun together in Ulm
Wednesday: End of Tausch with Elder Gibson and start of tausch with AP Elder Rozan in Stuttagart. We went and taught Bruder Heuer. He was our first lesson with him after the baptism and we talked about what the next step is. He taught about what goals we can set now to help him get to the temple. He is way excited and ready to keep making progress!
Thursday: End of tausch with Elder Rozan and finally working with Elder Hunt again. We also played some soccer with the youth that night as well.
Friday: We helped a lady in our ward move her stuff into a moving van. and got transfer calls... I will be staying in Stuttgart, and Elder Hunt will be going to Salzburg to be ZL there. My new companion´s name is Elder Rahlf and he comes from Liberty, Ohio! I just have a thing for not having companions from Utah, two of 7 which is really strange... but ya I am way excited to work with Elder Rahlf, but I am really going to miss Elder Hunt. We had a really good time together!
Saturday: We were able to visit Bruder Heuer again, and that was good! He is a great man! And to be honest I really cant remember what we did on Saturday, but probably something good! haha
Sunday: The day of eating appointments. We had three eating appointments within 5 hours of each other! it was pretty intense, but I made it! But ya we just ate a ton of food! and then Elder Hunt and I just talked about how it stinks that we are leaving and reminisced all the good times we had together!
Love you all!!
Elder Killpack
p.s. emails and pictures sent through email are much appreciated:)
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