Hello family members and friends!!
It's been a good week for sure! We have had the opportunity to teach so many wonderful people! Some highlights:
Teaching a atheist and feminist about our church's view of Eve and just women in general.
We testified of the Love that God has for all of His children, but especially the special place He has in His heart for His daughters. He loves us girls so much. He cries when we cry and rejoices when we rejoice. He wants us to have all that He has and the only way to accomplish that was to send us to Earth.. The only way to get sent to Earth was through the fall.. Put simply Eve is the best. GIRL POWER.
We had a movie night with Meet the Mormons and has a huge turnout! We had two investigators come and they really loved the documentary. It was a hit for sure and I love how that movie really shows the diversity of all God's children.
Nothing too crazy happened this week in comparison with last week, but It was truly an uplifting and fun time. Serving with my trainer has been quite the cool experience. Sister Wagstaff is on OSU training again and she is such a good example to me! She only has a little over a transfer left, but she is still running as fast as she did when we first got put together. I've been pondering my calling a lot lately. As I have been out a while I see a lot of missionaries lose their fire at the end of their mission. I get scared that I might do the same, but it all comes down to what I'm willing to do because of Him. If I truly understand the Atonement and the way that it is meant for ALL men, then I would be willing to serve a 14 year mission like Ammon and I would preach the Gospel to everyone in that time. 18 months isn't long enough to show how much I love my Savior.
or maybe I just don't want to come home and deal with normal life...
haha I love you all Family and Friends!
Sister Love
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