Dear Family and Friends,
Hey family and friends! This last week was a good one again:) we were
Hey family and friends! This last week was a good one again:) we were
able to teach and see the progression of pur investigators! It really
is the coolest thing to see people progress in their understanding of
this gospel! For example this week we taught one of our investigators,
who has a baptismal date for july 11( pray for him!) but in this last
week he has made so much progress that he might be baptized at the end
of the month! We are super excited for him. Er ist einfach toll! Haha
We are also hoping to see another investigator enter the waters of
baptism really soon as well. She just needs to see another baptism to
get that over whelming answer she is looking for. It is kinda funny
because everyone tells her she is basically a member, but just not
baptized. She literally comes to every activity! Well that was the
week in a nut shell love you guys!
Elder Killpack
P.s. Sorry that was from last week... I thought it sent...
HUMP DAY!! Wow a year already that is so crazy to me! I cannot believe
how fast the time has gone! We had a very eventful week this last
week! So to start it off we got Ipads last tuesday and we are so
blessed now to be able to use them in achieving our purpose! I have
already seen the blessings of using them to help answer peoples
concerns. But at the same time we are making sure we are the ones
teaching not some speaker from a general conference in the nineties!
We have seen, again, our investigators taking such big steps of faith
and have seen their progression of coming nearer to Jesus Christ! I am
so excited for them all and cant wait to see the day when they enter
into the covenant of baptism whenever it may be! Thank you all for
your support it means a lot to have family and friends back home
cheering me and this work on! We also had transfer calls on Saturday,
and Elder Erickson and I are staying, but we have a rather strange
thing going on... We have four elders in our area but we dont all live
in the same apartment. The other elders live in Telfs which is a half
hour out of the city, so we are closing our area and moving into their
old apartment and taking over both areas. So it will be pretty
intense! I hope it all works out because all our investigators between
us and the Telf elders live in the city! But I will all work put I
know it! I love that imner area transfer haha!
Elder Killpack
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