Sister Love's Email. July 14.
I also included the one she wrote to Scott. It's sweet.
I also included the one she wrote to Scott. It's sweet.
Dear Family and Friends.
Now that I see my lovely mother has put up a
blog of me and my cute brothers I feel the need to make my letters and
emails better. Especially to out-do the Elder Killpack's.
I'm so grateful for all that I have been given in this life. I have
been given the greatest upbringing from such amazing parents on both
sides of the veil, I have an amazing support system with my family and
friends, I've been born into this church and taught from a young age
to seek out the truth, I've been given answers time and time again.
Now with all these blessings I should be able to give 110% of myself
back. Where much is given much is required. Needless to say I've had
(another) call to repentance.
Missionary work is the greatest experience of my life, but it isn't
easy. I recognize full heartedly that I need to be working my hardest
for the work to go forward. I only have a year left as a full time
missionary and there isn't any time to spare! my hope is that I'll be
able to stand before you al with no regrets.
We found the cutest family the other day! They aren't technically
investigators yet, but we have high hopes! It's one of those families
that you know will receive the truth well as soon as they actually
recognize it as truth. I'm praying that it will be soon!
Other than that the mission is good. We got in a car crash. I broke
the sink. just normal missionary stuff.
Have a great week!
find someone for the missionaries to teach!
love you all!
Sister Love
Dear Scott,
Thank you for the advice... To be honest I'm just a lazy person.. I
know you already knew that but I think I just expected people to fall
into our laps when we did our part. I tracked 4 hours out of every day
in Hilliard and nothing came from it. Or so I thought. The sisters
serving in Hilliard now called me and told me that one of the
investigators that I was teaching is now getting baptized. We tracted
into him. So it does work! We haven't been working as hard as I would
like too lately so I've had a call to repentance. I'll let you know
what happens now that I'm committed. I feel like I'm repenting a lot
more out here than I ever have at home.
Thank you so much for your example. I love you so much. Today was the
first day I really started missing you. don't worry I'm doing just
fine and I'm as happy as ever! But I was telling my companion all
about the kind of person you are and I got choked up a bit. I really
love you so much.
Tell Max that hard work never kill anyone!
Love you!
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