Elder Robert Killpack August 18, 2014
Dear Family and Friends
So this week as been a lot better! I went to Passau at the beginning of the week on an austausch, and it was way cool to stay where Elder Russell stayed and live during his mission! And Landshut is also somewhere he stayed and it is literally the smallest apartment in the mission and i am sure Eric can attest to that if he has been there! Highlight of the week though was our sportabend mit der Jungerlischer that we have every thursday! So last p-day me and elder Garrett bought cleats on a huge sale and they only cost like 25 euro. we got them because we play every week like 3-4 time for fruhsport and sportabend! but we went out and were totally keeping up with the germans and in fact i scored the first goal of the night!!! So basically i am just as good as Joe Wheelwright or even the german national football team hahah just kidding! We are having a lot of fun here in Landshut but always working hard and trying to find those people that need the gospel and are searching for it. We are so close with the guy named Mike but he is very different in the fact that he interprets the Scriptures like no one that i know and doesn't believe in truth being a real thing saying there is no truth in religion but we have been more bold with him lately like Elder Killpack Senior was and it has helped tremendously and are planning on having a baptismal date this week with him and hopeful will baptize him before the end of the year! Today we went to Dachau a concentration camp and it was way cool and way interesting to see the place where it actually happened!!
It is so weird to hear about all my friends leaving on missions! Madison sent me a picture of her and Hannah at Joe's Farewell and it was the weirdest feeling ever because I wasn't there and to think he is now on a mission too is crazy!!! But it is good that i am where i am and serving along side Joe!! Can't wait to see all the guys when i go home but i don't want to even think about leaving this amazing land of GERMANY!!
With all my love from Deutschland!!!
Elder Robert Killpack August 25, 2014
Dear Family,
Pretty crazy week here in Deutschland. So I thought my headache was gone but it hit super hard on monday night and felt like my brain was going to come out of my head. So on tuesday we went to the doctors and she said to just try and sleep it off because it might be a lack of sleep or my body is just worn out. I slept for 18 hours in one day and it was miserable i never want to sleep that much again. I hate just sitting there doing nothing and not being able to go outside and be productive. But after all this sleep and not doing anything for a day and a half I still had a massive headache, then we went to the Neurologist and i got hooked up to a death trap, i mean a cap with a bunch of probes haha. But the could´t find anything wrong but said like dad did that it is probably altitude sickness and gave me medicine for it and now i am good! The crazy part of this story is what happened on monday night. So my head had really been bothering me for about 4 hours and it was time for us to go home, so 9 o clock. And on our way home from the bahnhof we found two people. The first one was really interested in what we had to say but said church is for the weak and he doesn't need a church. Elder Garrett was a little upset because this guy was contradicting himself and was ready for the gospel but just needed the desire to have a church. So after we were done talking with him My headache started getting really bad and i felt like i was going to pass out while walking home. I was getting really light headed and way bad shivers and was about to tell Elder Garrett to help me down because i felt like i was about to pass out, but right before i did we met George. Elder Garrett was still frustrated with the last guy so he made me contact him... in German and i did and as we started talking he told us his story in short form and here is how it goes. He moved to Germany 20 years ago and took lessons from the missionaries 18 years ago and then he send for some reason the missionaries stopped coming and said we wanted to take the lessons again. We asked him if he had ever been to church he send no and i invited him right there to come and he accepted and was really excited for us to show him around the church and to come teach his family of 5 he has 3 kids and a wife. He didn't end up coming to church because of a death of a friends mom, but said he still wanted to meet with us the next week and we are way excited to teach him. After we talked with him i had enough strength to make it home to the apt. before i crashed way hard and my head hurt more than it ever had. The Lord is aware of us and helps us in ways that we would never expect! I love missionary work!!!
Elder Robert Scott Killpack
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