So this week we had a little bit more luck finding people to teach. The Hispanic family we taught last week was there and they were excited to listen. They didn't come to church this last week because the wife wasn't there to meet with us last week and she wanted to know what we were about before they showed up to church to be more comfortable. The lesson went really well and was done in Spanglish. She doesn't understand all the church English words. It was really good and she was excited to get her own copy of the Book of Mormon in Spanish. They are on their way to conversion. Shane is getting there too but wasn't able to come to church. He still wants to be baptized though so we will be helping him learn all that that entails. So these will be the big pushes this week. I did exchanges with the zone leaders and the Elder I went with was six eight and from England so it was a bit different. He is funny though. We played basketball on Saturday night and that was good. Because of that we were able to hand out two copies of the Book of Mormon. It was warm enough this week for people to be out mowing their lawns. I am studying the Book of Mormon and making a map of all the territories and cities by relative position described in the book and it's shaping up nicely. I'm in Mosiah chapter twelve so when I get to Alma there will be a lot to put in. I don't think I mentioned it but I finished Jesus el Cristo a couple weeks ago and I learned a lot from that. Hopefully I can keep up this pace of study when it's not all structured out for me. Well thanks for being awesome everyone. Especially you Kimberly Ann!
Elder Jesse M Killpack
Best Way to drive. "Come join with us"
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