Dear Family and Friends,
I first of all want to apologize and repent publicly for being a spoiled grouchy teenage girl. I try not to let many people know I'm having a hard time but the past couple of Preparation days I have let a lot slip. Thank you all for still being supportive even when I whine and complain. Our Heavenly Father has given us so many blessings and it is FAR too often that I don't recognize them. I love my mission more than anything in the world. I'm so grateful to be out here.
One of the greatest miracles that we've witnessed this week is about a woman named Carla. Carla's brother just recently joined the church down in Lancaster. With a little bit of greenie member fire of his own he has shared it with his sister. Carla has been through a lot and she already recognizes the need of the Savior in her own life. She also recognizes that we are servants of Him and that we can help her get there. She's an incredible woman and we're so excited to work with her.
Going along with my selfishness this week I studied this morning Alma 37. At the end of the chapter He talks about looking to God... Something so simple. I often think about the children of Israel not looking to Moses and his staff when he promised that we would be able to heal them. How often do we refuse to find peace and comfort in our Savior because it's incredibly simple to ask for it. He is always there. As missionaries we invite all to "look to God and LIVE". I invite you all to do so this week!
I love you so much!
Sister Love
Missing my Pleasant View
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